Monday, July 25, 2016

Food to Avoid to Lose Weight - The Type of Food That Kills

To lose weight, you have to do more than just eat more healthy foods, such as the usual old fruits and vegetables. It gets more serious than that, because in our modern days, we have to fight all kinds of foods and ingredients that can potentially kill us, because most foods are full of either fat, sodium, or some junk food that's made up and put together, and our bodies are just not made to process or digest these types of food.


Okay enough of the fluff here. One of the worst types of foods to eat while trying to lose weight are foods loaded with trans fat. This fat is dangerous to our health, and can give us heart disease with no warning and other ills, and can make it impossible to ever lose weight.

Here are some foods you would want to stay away from...

1. Keep your distance from fast food restaurants. Chicken and fries are fried in dangerous hydrogenated oil. Even pancakes and grilled sandwiches are filled with TF (from margarine). It doesn't seem like it, but it sure is.

2. Margarine is the worst. Give it up fast. It's loaded with both fats, and consuming too much of either can lead to heart disease.

Did you know this?

*Butter has 0.3 grams of trans fat (TF) per tablespoon, and 7.2 grams of saturated.
*Stick margarine has 2.8 grams of TF per tablespoon, and 2.1 grams of saturated.
*Tub margarine has 0.6 grams of TF per tablespoon, and 1.2 grams of saturated.
*Shortening has 4.2 grams of TF per tablespoon, and 3.4 grams of saturated.
*Butter has 0.3 grams of TF per tablespoon, and 7.2 grams of saturated.

3.The truth about frozen food. Frozen pies in the frozen section, hot yummy pot pies, tasty waffles, my favorite frozen pizzas, and foods like breaded fish sticks, are also loaded with bad fats. I still love these foods, but I eat less of it to keep the weight off..

4. Cakes and cookies made from supermarket bakeries are also loaded with fatty trans fat, though some may contain more saturated fat than trans fat, but either way, they are not good at all, and if you eat those you can forget about losing weight.

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